Monday, June 3, 2013

Tracking Your Destiny

You can be what you want to be but this will depend on who you are. Those who can paint are definitely a painter; those who sing are singers and who owns business is absolutely a businessman. 

But it’s not what you do that defines your life but what was your role and purpose in life. Yes, you’re a painter but it’s your role to amaze the eyes of the viewers and puzzle the mind of the wanderers. That pictures that say a thousand words and maybe in contrary of the reality sometime. 

But how to find your self –in order to track your destiny? You may use GPS technology only for physical dimension and spiritual identity is a different story. We’re talking about soul searching, dude.

Understanding the spiritual thing is even longer than your favorite TV series, no, it’s not as shorter as months or a year. It’s a lifetime, and you will discover new things in life everyday. There is so much for a defining moment to entirely change your being and make a 360° turn in your life. 

Find who you really are not only by being true and transparent with your feelings and thoughts, but to be a soul that loves other souls. That one pure soul capable of loving; you can be a doctor, a teacher, a military officer or to be as high as the kingdom of a great monarchy but your role and your only purpose is to be a lover. Nothing more, nothing less.

Remora GPS Tracker. Copyright (c) 2013. All rights reserved. 

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